Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:
This bug usually hits you only if you don't start the browser first or
close the last browser Windows when Mail is still open. Always in TB
because it has no browser. It should not happen if you start the browser
normally first. Check the error console if you see some error messages
pointing to authentication or add-ons.
The mozilla devs really take their time to review this one despite me
and jorgk giving positive feedback. We might have to put it in a branch
for 2.49.1:
Well beggars can't be choosers and Firefox is not affected so this takes
the usual backseat...

Bob Fleischer wrote:
Mason83 wrote:
On 28/07/2017 20:15, Bob Fleischer wrote:

I have Seamonkey V 2.48 running on 64-bit Windows 10 (v 1703). I just
upgraded from V 2.46.

A certain internal corporate web page I use no longer works, but only
when accessed from Seamonkey 2.48 on this system.  On other browsers,
and from an absolutely clean v2.48 installation on a "virgin"
Windows 10
(v 1703), everything works as before.

See the thread
"Problems with -sites requiring authentication"
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2017 23:32:31 +0200

I think you've run into this bug:

The work-around, as you've found out, is restarting SM.
It seems it is something in the mail part that breaks
HTTP auth.


That could be it, although I personally see no connection to mail.

As a test, I repeated the scenario I reported with my home system,
which has an entirely separate profile and always has.

I opened the same web site with 2.46, authenticated, and got in.

I then upgraded to 2.48, and got the same weird error message when I
tried to connect.

I then restarted 2.48 in safe mode, accessed the web site (with
remembered authentication in this case, no attempt to clear anything),
and got in.

Then I restarted 2.48 normally, and access to this web site worked OK.


I can confirm that, if I open the browser first, I do not have this problem.

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