On 14/10/2017 20:19, Larry S. wrote:
> Mason83 wrote:
>> On 13/10/2017 21:00, Larry S. wrote:
>>> My profile contains 14 versions of the file "sessionstore", numbered 1
>>> thru 14, plus two called sessionstore.json and sessionstore.bak.
>>> Do I need all these? Any? Can I delete some? All? What are they?
>> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/about-sessionstore/
>> Quoting that page:
>>> Firefox writes the sessionstore.js file to disk every 15 seconds, to
>>> be able to restore tabs after a crash or restart. Certain sites can
>>> make the sessionstore.js file grow very large leading to poor
>>> performance, this addon can help identify which tabs store unusually
>>> large amounts of data (form data, DOM sessionStorage, or many
>>> subframes/history states).
>> See also:
>> https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1057949
>> Regards.
> Thank you, Mason, for your insights. Your reply helps me understand the 
> purpose of the file, but it doesn't fully address my concerns. I don't 
> seem to have a "Sessionstore.js" as your reference discussed (but do 
> have a json in many versions).

Yes, the format of the file was changed at some point.
Hence .js => .json

> In addition to the json and bak (alone) versions, I have fourteen json 
> versions numbered 1 through 14, with dates stretching back almost six 
> years. It's those I still wonder about.

Here's my suggestion.

Close SM. Move all the sessionstore files to a temp directory
somewhere out of the way. Start SM. Confirm everything is
working as usual. You can keep the backups around for a few
days, then you can delete them.

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