
"November 6, 2017

SeaMonkey 2.49.1 download problem solved

We fixed the earlier problem with downloads from the offical server not working. Unfortunately we are still unable to enable updates for most configurations. If you are not prompted for an update please download the full installer from here."

I never got its internal updater on Saturday morning PDT, so I gave up and got its full installer. :(

On 11/6/2017 10:03 AM, Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:
The download problem is now fixed. Unfortunately the update problem is not. This might need another round or a new build so please download the full 2.49.1 installer if you are not already prompted for an update and use a system which matches the requirements.


Ant wrote:
On 11/5/2017 7:53 PM, Edmund Wong wrote:
Ant wrote:
Well almost!

Maybe more in soon.

I am waiting for some response regarding the external
infrastructure and see if it's something that was
bugging it.

Sorry for the delay.


Thanks Edmund for the updates and hard work. :)
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