On 11/08/2017 12:28 AM, Daniel wrote:
On 8/11/2017 3:02 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
I've been following the "Website Blocked" thread.
In order to write a post that might contribute to a solution and also
outline a generic approach to similar problems, I did the following:
  1. Highlighted relevant posts in the thread.
  2. Chose "Save As..." from menu.
  3. In resulting screen created a new directory and clicked the
     "Save" button.
  4. With my file manager
       chose first file
       selected SeaMonkey to open the file
         responded yes when asked if SeaMonkey should be used for all
           files of form "*.eml"
         program's response was a message essentially saying that it
           could later be changed using an *unspecified* SeaMonkey

Every time I select a file with the ".eml" extension I get stuck in an
infinite loop of opening instances of SeaMonkey. Must then use
 Ctrl-Alt-Delete to escape and shutdown.

What do I do now?

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/51.0 SeaMonkey/2.48
Build identifier: 20170706221455

The i386 build of Debian Stretch {9.1} with MATE desktop {1.16.2}


Richard, why are you wanting to save the post?? When I wanted to reply
to your post, I just clicked "Reply" on the SM Mail & News screen and
started typing. No need to save your post!

I did not save *A* post.
I saved MULTIPLE posts with intention of displaying them side by side.

Or are you thing to post via Google Groups rather than direct to the
mozilla.support.seamonkey group on the news.mozilla.org news server??

I wished to view them side by side as aid to organizing my thoughts.
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