Thank you.  That method worked perfectly.
When I previously have installed addons, a simple click on the download link on the addon's web page would bring up the installation dialog. Has that method been disabled?

bdelmee wrote:
5.4 works for me on Win10-t. I downloaded the xpi,
then <Cttrl><Shift><A>, click on the cog, menu entry
"Install Add-On from File"

Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote on 2017-11-08 18:20:
When I wrote the release notes I checked this and was able to install 5.4 without problems. Where did you try to get Lightning from?


Cecil Bankston wrote:
Is there a way to install a working version of Lightning for SeaMonkey 2.49.1?  When I tried to install the latest "stable" version of Lightning, I got an error message that seemed to be saying Windows couldn't find the xpi installer app.

C. Bankston
support-seamonkey mailing list

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