WaltS48 wrote:
Frog wrote:
David E. Ross wrote:
On 11/10/2017 12:28 PM, Frog wrote:
I have accessed a web cam located on the Ocean City, MD boardwalk for
years and for unknown reasons it now does not open.

The web address for this web cam is:


I do see a black rectangle where I believe the cam display should
located.  This black rectangle has the following message displaced
in it:

can't assign to properties of (new Boolean(true)):
not an object

This message does not communicate with me...Help!

Windows 10


I get the same problem.  Have you tried contacting the Web site at
<i...@oceangallery.com>?  Since I am in California, I am not really

I have attempted to contact the web site with no answer forthcoming.

Thanks Dave for your response.

Frog in Maryland

If they respond, ask them to rewrite the site in modern web code.

Seriously? "<!doctype html public "-//ietf//dtd html 3.2//en" "html.dtd">"

I'll test it in Firefox, but it didn't work for me. Even with ABP
disabled. SM 2.49.1.

Well, I kept trying (using an older version of Internet Explorer) until I found an address that does work.


This address also works in SeaMonkey 2.46. I really don't know why the original address does not work...no answer as of yet from my original message to the web site.

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