Paul Marwick wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

Google has been pulling this crap for months, probably over a year
now. I routinely clear cookies automatically on shutdown, and
sometimes manually during a session, and Google uses cookies to
recognize your device. So every time I clear cookies, it thinks
I'm logging in with a new device and wants me to prove I'm me.

Interesting. I had no idea that the mail client used cookies at all.
I was able to log in using the web browser the first time it
happened. It was also the fact that normally when I get emails noting
a login from another device they are usually able to identify the OS,
which didn't happen in this case - it was just "unknown device".
Though most of the warning messages about logging in from other
devices would apply to a web login, not an IMAP connection from a
mail client.

OK, I didn't mean to claim that the mail client used cookies. I routinely retrieve Gmail by POP3 without difficulty (sorry, no IMAP experience). But if you go through the webmail it's a different story. That's when you have to jump through all those hoops. Yet another reason to hate webmails.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
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