On 23/11/2017 22:35, Jonathan N. Little wrote:
> cyberzen wrote:
>> hello
>> when I want to see a video in dailymotion, I can hear the sound, but the 
>> image remains black
>> no problem with firefox
>> http://
> Stupid useragent string sniffing.
> 1) Enter url:
> about:config
> 2) Search for
> general.useragent.override
> 2a) If does not exists then create string value key
> 3) set key to:
> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:57.0) Gecko/20100101 
> Firefox/57.0
> 4) Go to video on www.dailymotion.com in new tab or window
> 5) Watch video play.
> 6a) Complain to web developers of site
> 6b) Consider never going back to their site
> 6c) Or install useragent switcher entension
> 6d) Use Firefox when going to www.dailymotion.com

You are right!

I know one person working at DM, let's see if they can do
anything about that :-)

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