Thanks for all your help.
My friend (the older person, 87 yrs) found a piece of scratch paper with the password on it.
All's well now. (smile) Thanks again!!

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
David H. Durgee wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Mike C wrote:

Is there a way to retrieve a password used in SM Mail??

Older person is logged out and can't remember password they used.

Contact user's ISP and ask for a password reset. Change it to something your user can remember, and write it down in some secret location for the next emergency.

Alternately, with proof of identity, they may be willing to disclose the current password. Thank them and write it down in some secret location for the next emergency.

Actually in most cases they cannot disclose the current password as they don't have it, only a hash or other derivative of it.  So the most you can expect is a reset of the password, and even for that you will need to convince them you are the account owner.

Agreed. But it doesn't hurt to ask before falling back to a reset.

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