On 27/03/2018 19:57, IRRITATING SPAMMER wrote:

You have chosen an odd nickname.

> Mason83 wrote:
>> There is, as far as I can see, a large memory leak somewhere
>> in the TB code:
>> 2,790,110,536 B (100.0%) -- explicit
>> +--2,359,661,280 B (84.57%) -- maildb
>> ¦  +----737,522,464 B (26.43%) -- database(news://SNIP
>> ¦  +----692,232,288 B (24.81%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> ¦  +----222,021,472 B (07.96%) -- database(news://SNIP
>> ¦  +----180,562,496 B (06.47%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> ¦  +----138,690,496 B (04.97%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> ¦  +----121,302,864 B (04.35%) -- database(snews://SNIP
>> ¦  +-----96,929,744 B (03.47%) -- database(snews://SNIP
>> ¦  +-----48,629,440 B (01.74%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> ¦  +-----42,458,432 B (01.52%) -- database(snews://SNIP
>> ¦  +-----24,473,008 B (00.88%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> ¦  +-----21,606,800 B (00.77%) -- database(news://SNIP
>> ¦  +-----10,834,000 B (00.39%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> ¦  +------5,589,824 B (00.20%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> ¦  +------4,862,032 B (00.17%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> ¦  +------3,337,296 B (00.12%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> ¦  +------2,627,888 B (00.09%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> ¦  +------1,382,832 B (00.05%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> ¦  +--------786,896 B (00.03%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> ¦  +--------786,128 B (00.03%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> ¦  +--------674,128 B (00.02%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> ¦  +--------503,184 B (00.02%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> ¦  +--------481,776 B (00.02%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> ¦  +--------341,904 B (00.01%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> ¦  +--------240,256 B (00.01%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> ¦  +--------166,416 B (00.01%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> ¦  +--------164,352 B (00.01%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> ¦  +--------143,680 B (00.01%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> ¦  +--------103,104 B (00.00%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> ¦  +--------103,104 B (00.00%) -- database(mailbox://SNIP
>> ¦  +--------102,976 B (00.00%) -- database(imap://SNIP
>> 737 MB of RAM to store the index of a single newsgroup?
>> And 692 MB for my main inbox? Something looks fishy there.
>>            76 B ── gfx-surface-image
>>           768 B ── gfx-surface-xlib
>>             0 B ── gfx-textures
>>             0 B ── gfx-textures-peak
>>             0 B ── gfx-tiles-waste
>>               0 ── ghost-windows
>> 2,112,485,288 B ── heap-allocated
>>     1,048,576 B ── heap-chunksize
>> 2,320,498,688 B ── heap-mapped
>>               0 ── host-object-urls
>>    24,929,212 B ── imagelib-surface-cache-estimated-locked
>>    24,930,812 B ── imagelib-surface-cache-estimated-total
>>               0 ── imagelib-surface-cache-overflow-count
>>     5,087,232 B ── js-main-runtime-temporary-peak
>>          25,966 ── page-faults-hard
>>     386,639,447 ── page-faults-soft
>> 2,847,887,360 B ── resident
>> 3,155,869,696 B ── resident-peak
>> 2,574,921,728 B ── resident-unique
>>             0 B ── system-heap-allocated
>> 5,839,982,592 B ── vsize
>> 5.8 GB of VM for a few tabs open sounds completely unreasonable.
>> Is there any work around other than quitting/restarting SM?
> My "explicit" is 522.23 MB
> maildb is        121.81 MB
> window-objects    97.85 MB
> heap-unclassified 95.55 MB
> js-non-window     65.23 MB
> Both of us are using Linux.

How did you figure out this was a Linux box?

> Does it help a bit if you close and reopen the News/Mail part of Seamonkey?

I will try. (AFAIR, it doesn't have any impact.)

> I also don't understand why your figures are in Bytes and mine in MB.

I was using 2.49.2 while you seem to be using 2.46
Maybe they changed the reporting format between these versions?
Wait... I get "MB" in the Windows version, which is 32-bit
while the Linux version is 64-bit. Maybe it takes different
code paths...

Also note that the "explicit" figure seems to be using a 32-bit
variable, and wraps around at 4 GiB.

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