
This reply is the only one that worked for me - that is, once I figured out how to save to DOS in Wordpad that I almost never use. Thank you!

I also appreciate the other suggestions to change my primary bank are not viable for me for the simple reason that the Chase branch bank that I have been using for 48 years (through it's many predecessor name permutations) is less than a minute's walk away from my apartment.

Thanks, all!


Ed Mullen wrote:
On 3/30/2018 at 10:45 AM, Marisa Ciceran created this epitome of digital genius:
As of about a week ago, when I log into my Chase accounts account using SM 2.49.2 on my Windows 7 desktop and laptops, it goes to the following page:


The page is blank except for two options that run across the horizontal span of the page: 1) No thanks and 2) Call to apply.

Neither of these buttons links to another page. However, that window still triggers the "time out" function that logs me out for non-activity. After that, I have the option to log back into MOBILE services.

I've tried to report this issue to Chase customer support several times, but they refuse to file a report on the problem. Their only answer is that Seamonkey is not a supported browser, period. The fact that I am still recognized as being logged in is more than worrisome.

I am not about to give up on Seamonkey which I have been using (under its prior names) for more than 20 years and which is still the best browser-mail suite on the internet. Any suggestions?



You simply need to use a different user agent string when going to chase.com.  Add this to your prefs.js:

user_pref("general.useragent.override.chase.com", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0");

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