Daniel wrote:
cmcadams wrote on 01/04/18 11:49:
David E. Ross wrote:
On 3/31/2018 11:23 AM, EE wrote:
cmcadams wrote:
Trying a user.js didn't work.

prefs.js didn't wish to be changed...tried both Windows 7 Notepad and
DOS Edit, but evidently didn't know the right save options, because
after running SM the new entry disappeared. Rejected by SM, I suppose.

If an entry into user.js is not recognized by SeaMonkey as being valid,
it will not appear in about:config.  This includes errors in syntax in
the setting, and also settings that are simply not recognized.  The
format for entries in user.js is the same as that for prefs.js.

To check whether SeaMonkey loaded all of user.js into prefs.js
successfully, insert
    user_pref("00_user.js.loaded", "user.js load failed");
as the very first line of user.js and
    user_pref("00_user.js.loaded", "yes");
as the very last line of user.js, all with SeaMonkey not running.  Note
that the semicolon (;) is required.

Then, launch SeaMonkey and enter about:config in the address area (URI
bar).  You should see
    00_user.js.loaded   user set  string  yes
if the entire user.js file was okay.  If there was a problem, you will
instead see
    00_user.js.loaded   user set  string  user.js load failed

This also works with Thunderbird and should work (but I have not tested
it) with Firefox.

Thank you, I've saved this.

Does anyone know for certain which Windows programs will work to edit and save SM config files? And with what settings? Are they ASCII? ANSI? I figured that's where I went wrong, trying to edit prefs.js.

In the past, I'm sure I have used Notepad.exe to edit prefs.js ... and, if I had double clicked on a prefs.js that was too big for Notepad.exe to handle, Win7 had started Wordpad.exe instead!

Neat. It didn't occur to me to try Wordpad. Says how often I've used it. :/

I loaded prefs.js into Wordpad and thought "Omigosh, lookit all the formatting!" Not a problem, there's a save option for that. FC-ing the original with the saved copy says identical.

Same same for creating user.js ... which had to be located in the same directory/folder as prefs.js to be included into prefs.js.

Ha, I must have found the only reference that DIDN'T say to put it in the profile directory. That was that problem then.

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