On 23/04/2018 16:37, Ray_Net wrote:
> Mason83 wrote on 23-04-18 16:05:
>> On 23/04/2018 11:15, Daniel wrote:
>>> Have you tried to convert the Extension from Firefox mode to SeaMonkey
>>> mode?? This can be done using a converter program/website, but,
>>> unfortunately, I cannot recall the website.
>>> Maybe someone will post the converter page! ;-)
>> http://addonconverter.fotokraina.com/
>> However, I think xxyyz is speaking of an actual plugin, not
>> an extension.
>> Regards.
> He says also that he can see the video with firefox wthout adding a 
> plugin, but is unable to see the video with SM.

No, he did need the plugin for FF:

"So I installed FF 52.7.3esr - the panda cams did not work; I installed
the plugin per the instructions in the link, and the panda cams worked!
So I installed the plugin in SM (following the FF instructions) and it
does not show up as a plugin and the panda cams still don't work."

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