Sat, 2 Jun 2018 01:56:15 +0300, _Stanimir Stamenkov_:
Fri, 1 Jun 2018 20:05:56 +1000, _Daniel_:
Daniel wrote on 01/06/18 19:52:

2.    QuoteCollapse 1.0 I've just installed this and re-started SM, but the news posts weren't showing as collapsed, so I checked the Add-on Manager screen and it's listed with the options to "Disable" or "Remove". (I haven't checked in Win7 SM to see if this is working!!)

What need I do to get Lightning and QuoteCollapse functional in Linux SM, please??

When I re-restarted SM, I found QuoteCollapse was working ... to such an extent that I was only seeing the most recent posts, i.e. the messages that I actually clicked on. Can I set QC to show, maybe, the last three or four posts in the thread??

I'll post some details and clarifications for QuoteCollapse 1.0+ tomorrow (or later today, depending on time zone).

So I've sent out "[ANN] QuoteCollapse 1.0+ backward-incompatibility (longish)", but it got likely hold off for moderation as I've cross-posted it to, too. I'm attaching it here, and hope it will get through. Daniel, please have a look at it and see if any of the stuff mentioned would help you resolve your current issues.

--- Begin Message --- For those of you using the QuoteCollapse [1] extension, I'm the author of the changes included in version 1.0 (one may peek at [2] for some more details), and I want to stress out a detail which doesn't appear as obvious as it could be.

Now, if you just use the extension out-of-the-box with no user customizations you should not notice any change. All users which have previously applied customizations need to see the following:

v1.0 <>:

* [Backward-compatibility] Default styles now use max-height instead of height. Existing customizations need to be adjusted – see Customising on the website for details;

The "Customising" [3] page further includes:

Note, up to QuoteCollapse v0.9 the default styles used CSS |height| property instead of |max-height|. If you upgrade from that version you'll need to adjust old customizations like: |height: auto| → |max-height: none|, and replace other |height| usages for |max-height|.

The example customizations on that page have been updated, but people need to adjust them in their user style sheets, too. A common side effect of not doing so is experiencing overlapping content [4][5]. As much as I'm sorry for the inconvenience it causes people just need to step in and adjust their styles.


Next, v1.0 seems to have broken [6][7] the "Expand all quotes by default" customization, so v1.1 was released yesterday. All users of the "Expand all quotes by default" customization should note <>:

- Fixed/restored "Expand all quotes by default" support (broken in 1.0)
Note though, the necessary style has a tiny change in a backward-incompatible manner – users who customise the AddOn need to adjust (see the customising instructions).

Here's the necessary change highlighted:

    BODY.mailview blockquote[type="cite"][qctoggled="true"] {


    BODY.mailview blockquote[type="cite"][qctoggled="false"] {


If you have followed all instructions given here, and still experiencing a problem with QC, you may try pinging me on these support groups (I'm not really following m.s.thunderbird, but m.s.seamonkey), or opening an issue here (the "Support site" link on the AMO page):


Apart from all mentioned previously, I recommend people trying out the new "Partially collapse quotes" customization (just before the last example on the "Customisation" page). Here's a demo of what it looks like (contains traces of other personal customizations not related to QC):

1. Instead of just seeing an attribution line as part of the collapsed quote, part or complete text of it is immediately seen as context to the reply:

 2. Expanding top-level quote reveals more of the nested collapsed quotes:

 3. One may also skip the previous step and directly expand a nested quote:

Enough said, have a nice day everyone.



--- End Message ---
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