On 6/11/18, Mason83 <root@dom.invalid> wrote:
> On 08/06/2018 21:02, Andy K wrote:
>> June 30, 2018 is the deadline for disabling SSL/early TLS and
>> implementing a more secure encryption protocol – TLS 1.1 or higher
>> (TLS v1.2 is strongly encouraged) in order to meet the PCI Data
>> Security Standard (PCI DSS) for safeguarding payment data.
>> For Firefox and Seamonkey
>> In about:config, set security.tls.version.min to 2 to prevent
>> protocols lower than TLS 1.1 from being used.
>> Reference: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Security.tls.version.*
> FWIW, one of the largest banks in France seems to be stuck
> using TLS 1.0
> Trying to connect to https://particuliers.secure.lcl.fr/
> leads to this error message:
> """
> Secure Connection Failed
> An error occurred during a connection to particuliers.secure.lcl.fr.
> Peer using unsupported version of security protocol.
> Error code: <a id="errorCode"
> The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of
> the received data could not be verified.
>     Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
> """
> https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=particuliers.secure.lcl.fr
> This server supports weak Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange parameters. Grade
> capped to B.   MORE INFO »
> The server supports only older protocols, but not the current best TLS 1.2.
> Grade capped to C.  MORE INFO »
> This server accepts RC4 cipher, but only with older protocols. Grade capped
> to B.  MORE INFO »
> This server does not support Forward Secrecy with the reference browsers.
> Grade capped to B.  MORE INFO »
> This server does not support Authenticated encryption (AEAD) cipher suites.
> Grade capped to B.  MORE INFO »
> When will these people take security seriously?

When they're forced to?

On a related note, how are the https intercepting anti-virus vendors
doing these days?
I haven't found anything later than Feb 2017:
   'In an evaluation of antivirus products that feature TLS
interception, only Avast AV 11 and AV 10 score an A grade, while all
others score a C or F. They award a C to products containing a known
TLS vulnerability, such as BEAST, FREAK, and Logjam; or an F for
products with a severely broken connection due to weak ciphers or not
validating certificates."

If you're concerned about online banking, it might be worth to checking

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