On 6/28/2018 11:53 AM, DoctorBill wrote:
I am fed up with Windows 7 "File Search" !  Garbage !  Klunky and Crude.

I there a good reliable and FREE disk search program available ?

I would appreciate any suggestions.


I second J. Weaver's suggestion to get Agent Ransack which is free to home users. I was turned on to it by (of all things) several Microsoft engineers who were telling everyone to forget Windows Search in Vista way back not long after Vista was released. This was on a Microsoft engineer's blog page where there were many angry comments as Vista Search was nothing like the outstanding Windows 2000/XP search.

These engineers promised that Search would again be great in the next OS (Windows 7). That, of course, did not happen as with each succeeding OS, Search has become worse. With Windows 10 is has become an abomination that tattles everything to Microsoft and it can't find anything.

After reading all the small business and home user replies to the Microsoft engineer's blog after they began using Agent Ransack, I decided to try it. I have never looked back. It is excellent and reminds me of search in Windows 2000/XP. It was one of the first programs I installed on Windows 10 after I killed that horrible spying Cortana (wish I could completely uninstall it)!
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