Thunderbird 60 and SeaMonkey 2.57 are/will not be based on 52 code but on Firefox 60 ESR code.

Web extensions were never developed with a program like Thunderbird in mind. TB now adds web extensions apis and support but I doubt they will be able to make any of the current ad or script blockers work in the near time.

If not for developer shortage this would be actually easier for SeaMonkey which already has a browser in place. But the whole Firefox implementation is a mess with parts in the browser frontend and parts in the Gecko backend.

And for quantum architectural changes. Most was already in 56 and starting with 57 it was just lets rip this and this and that and this out.

It needs to be supported but besides from a few key extensions like uBlock and NoScript you won't miss much with web extensions. Most are a joke compared to their former xul based ones.


NFN Smith wrote:
Hawker wrote:
I have Adblock Plus 2.9.1 installed on Seamonkey. My subscriptions are starting to say I need a newer version to work.  I can't seem find a SM compatible version of Adblock to download.

Is 2.9.1 (over 1 year old) the last version to work? Where can I find newer versions?

I believe that 2.9.1 is the most recent version that will run in Seamonkey, and I get the impression that that one isn't going to get any more updates.

I know that I've also been running 2.9.1 in Thunderbird, and it works fine in TB 52.x, but on the installation I have that I upgraded to Thunderbird 60, Thunderbird disables it. In Thunderbird, I believe that v60 is still 52.x code, but where essential updates are being backported from Firefox ESR 60. Thus, Thunderbird still supports XUL extensions, but for V60, extensions must be tweaked to allow for explicit support of V60.

Realistically, until both Seamonkey and Thunderbird can finish the move to WebExtensions, users of both are mostly going to limited to extensions whose status is essentially frozen in time.  There may be a some developers who do stuff for Seamonkey or Thunderbird explicitly that are continuing to update XUL extensions, but for extensions that are primarily Firefox extensions, I think that most of the developers are focusing only on what can be done in WebExtensions.  They won't pull the older XUL extensions (especially now that those are being hosted at, rather than, but don't plan on any additional updates.  Adblock Plus is certainly not the only one, but it's a good example.

Unfortunately, both Seamonkey and Thunderbird are still some way away from transition to WebExtensions, and other architectural changes that Firefox introduced with Quantum.


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