On 12/22/2018 12:12 PM, Chris Ilias wrote:
Evidently question poorly stated.
How do I copy a single sub-folder from my inbox tree to a USB drive?
And inversely how do I copy it to the second machine's inbox?

Thank you

There are a couple of ways to accomplish what you want.

* Use IMAP. :)

I chose POP long ago for various reasons.

* Manually copy the folder...

1. On your destination PC, create sub-folders in the Local Folders account for the folder you want to import.

<slaps forehead>
I just needed the reminder that what I wanted was at
"/home/richard/.mozilla/seamonkey/9bzizhmz.slt/Mail/rowlett on PCNET/Inbox.sbd/0backup incoming" ;/

And, considering the time I spent in&around "9bzizhmz.slt" a couple of years ago, it should have been obvious.

Thank you.
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