
David H. Durgee a écrit le 31/12/2018 à 14:29 :
> A Williams wrote:
>> Ken Rudolph wrote:
>>> SeaMonkey has crashed 3 times today.  I'm not sure why; but maybe I do
>>> need to update the program finally...I've been hesitant to do it since
>>> I have had no problems with SM until today.  Anyway, W-10, SM 2.49.1
>>> (yeah, I know, very out of date).
>>> Look, I go back to Netscape 0.8, so I'm not exactly a newbee.  Still,
>>> I'm always afraid to update SeaMonkey - afraid that my profile will
>>> get corrupted or something will go wrong.  I'm just curious if experts
>>> think that upgrading to 2.49.4 (which seems to be the latest version)
>>> would stop these annoying crashes.
>> Do you have any add-ons which have been updated recently?
>> Does about:crashes show anything useful?  (it never has for me though)
>> Other than that: I'd clear Cache, empty Trash, Compact mail-folders.
>> 2.49.1 counts as "recent" in my book, it should be stable but something
>> is causing it to die.
> I don't know what is going on, but I have had three crashes in the last
> few days.  Per about:crashes
> Report ID     Date Submitted
> bp-0048e3a0-7eb3-4ba1-89ec-36c510181231
>       12/31/18        5:52 AM
> bp-05ab3548-b184-4461-a69d-423500181225
>       12/24/18        7:45 PM
> bp-e6cfdc10-c1a3-4cec-8d69-dc4fd0181220
>       12/20/18        3:00 PM
> Prior to this my last crash was in June.  I have no idea how to read
> these and determine the cause.
> Dave

I didn't found those reports, crash-stats.mozilla.com give me my crashes
and not your crashes...

I think you have to click on the links that you found after
about:crashes and publish the urls which will be like this one :


Sorry for possible mistakes in English!
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