On 05.01.2019 16:58, David E. Ross wrote:
It is at
<http://www.rossde.com/test/expire_history_by_days-1.2.0-sm.xpi>.  Note
that this will NOT work in a Webextensions environment.


in the "Classic Add-ons Archive (2004-2018)"(for more information see
you find a version 1.3.1, which installs fine after conversion, but the day number input line is missing in the options, seems not to work.

I also Installed a converted 1.2.1 from that source for my unzipped "installer of unofficial (by wg9s) en-US SeaMonkey 2.53 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0 Build 20190108130001 (Default Classic Theme, German Language Pack INACTIVE) on German WIN7 64bit". Shows days input line, but seems to do nothing (I selected 30 days, but older entries remained, also after a relaunch.

Same disappointing result with extension from rossde.com

Any thoughts?

Ant, what are your results?


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