On 3/14/19 3:11 PM, David H. Durgee wrote:
martinlant...@gmail.com wrote:
Recently ive installed PuppyLinux Wary 5.5 on my Pentium 3 Pc. I'm new with it.
Now i used the standard Seamonkey browser to try visit YouTube.
But i can't reach the site because of outdated software it seems.

Whatsapp should i do? Can i Just intall a newer version Seamonkey or update it?

Would like to hear how to make it all work.


What version ships with your distro?  Current release is 2.49.4 and can
be downloaded from the seamonkey website for manual installation.  If
your distro is a debian or ubuntu derivative you can add ubuntuzilla to
your repositories to install it.


As far as I know, no distro ships SeaMonkey anymore.

For a 32-bit operating system you have to download.


For a 64-bit SeaMonkey they need the contributed build.


OS: Linux Mint 19.1 - Cinnamon Desktop

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