On Thu, 21 Feb 2019 17:20:29 -0700, JAS <jasforums...@outlook.com> in
mozilla.support.seamonkey wrote:

>scientist77...@gmail.com wrote:
>> I have to spoof my useragent to use Yahoo mail with Seamonkey.
>> I use this.
>> Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:64.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/64.0
>> I can read my mail but can not delete emails.
>> Is there a fix other than using FF?
>Check here for strings 
>http://www.useragentstring.com/pages/useragentstring.php and if you are 
>using PrefBar with the Real UA button you can install as many as you 
>like and try. I use the version 7.1.1 and I run Seamonkey 2.48 and 
>Windows 7 Pro:
>Just a thought.

You have to revert your yahoo mail account from the latest and greatest to
what they call "classic" mail format, and that will run fine in SM.....and
Inet Xplorer 6 (or whatever shipped with win 7).
The how to instructions are simple and are on the web.

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