On 11/05/2019 3:21 pm, Hartmut Figge wrote:
Robert Traynor:

I have a problem in SeaMonkey 2.53 x64 (from WG9S web site) Build:
20190425130005 and earlier had same problem (as did 2.49).

If I browse to https://www.youtube.com/ nothing on the site is
clickable. All elements are greyed out. This effect is only on YouTube
and nowhere else I have found so far.
I am using 2.53 too, probably configured differently and some values are
set in my user.js. I'm getting different content on youtube depending on
the checkbox below:

Edit->preferences->Advanced->HTTP Networking
    [x] Advertise Firefox Compatibility

You may give it a try. Unchecking the box improves youtube for me. If
that doesn't help you could try spoofing the UA.


Thanks for the suggestions but no luck..

I tried Unchecking theĀ  'Advertise Firefox Compatibility'.

My current User Agent value from most recent Firefox is already:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0

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