My sister is have a problem with SeaMonkey 2.49.4 running on Windows-7. When she send an e-mail to anyone this is what happens.

This may be what she typed.

Example of the text she may send is like this.

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of there country.

End of the example text.

After send the message and looking in the sent folder you can see that the message is exactly as she typed it. However, when I receive the message it will look something similar to this. It does not matter who receives it or what mail client they are using it will look like this to them.

Example of the text the receiver sees will look like this.

??????????????????????????????????? The quick brown????? fox jumped?? over ??? the lazy ? dog. ??????

Now is the time ????? for all good men to ??come to the aid of ????there country.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

End of the example text.

There is no set patter that I can tell. The question marks are added to the sent message. The question marks are not always question mark it could be any non alpha/number charter.

Well, thanks for asking, but I have already done a complete scan with numerous virus and malware scanners. The machine is clean.

Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated, Thank you.
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