Rainer Bielefeld wrote:

I wonder whether a strange effect I see is a bug in SM (I don't think so) or a bug at the website.

Steps how to reproduce with unzipped installer of  official en-US SeaMonkey 2.53a1 (NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0 Build 20170706013410  (Default Classic Theme) on German WIN7 64bit:

1. visit http://www.bsvg.net/startseite.html
2. Click "RSS
    » https://www.bsvg.net/index.php?id=606     opens
3. Click "RSS-Feed Aktuelles abonnieren"
    » feed subscription as expected                  ☺
4. Click "RSS-Feed Verkehrsinfos abonnieren"
   Unexpectedly  < https://www.bsvg.net/startseite/rss-feed-verkehrsinfos/select_category/7.html?type=100> opens showing souce code starting with
   "<rss version="2.0">"                            😥

Can anybody tell whether that is i bug on the page (I would report that) or a bug in SM?

Works fine here with latest unofficial 2.53. Unless you can reproduce it with the unofficial no point reporting it to either them or us. There were many many problems in the last 2.53a1.

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