On 2019-08-28 9:19 a.m., Daniel wrote:
Chris Ilias wrote on 28/08/2019 9:43 PM:
On 2019-08-28 7:38 a.m., Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Chris Ilias wrote:
On 2019-08-27 11:19 p.m., Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Chris Ilias wrote:

If you click on a link in SeaMonkey mail and newsgroups, it will open in the SeaMonkey browser, regardless of what your system default is set to. SeaMonkey is hard-coded to do that.

But there's a tweak that's been discussed here to have the system use a different browser even when the page is called from SM. Don't you remember what that was? (I don't...)

Ah! Found it!
Is that still valid seven years later?

It was no longer valid when SeaMonkey 2.0 was released. :)

OK, so what's the current tweak?

There isn't one.

ChrisI, I remember that there was a (mail or mailnews) Pref that could be changed, by going into about:config and changing that pref so that any link in Mail/News that was clicked on would cause SM (or was it Moz Suite or even Netscape Suite) to not use its browser to display the web site but would, instead, cause the System's Default Browser to open, displaying the appropriate web page.

Do you recall this happening?? Do any of the SM Devs recall this happening??

It no longer worked when SeaMonkey 2.0 was released. :)

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