Richard Owlett wrote:
Not only is it a feature, but typically a featureĀ  desired by most users most of the time [EVEN me ;].

I make heavy use of customized tags (currently ~50). One frequent tag indicates that the thread's content is of long term interest (tag title is "my quest"). My default view is "my quest" OR "unread".

If View: is set to "All", the thread pane displays one line per thread colored to match the highest priority tag in that thread.
Otherwise the thread pane displays one line per message in it's tag color.
Excellent choice *USUALLY* ;/

However I'm subscribed to several large mailing list (the general list for my OS of choice is currently >100k posts of which ~1k satisfy
{"my quest" OR "unread"}.
I would like those threads to be displayed as one line per thread colored to match the highest priority tag in that thread.

As far as I can tell trying out a couple of the default views (View > Messages > Tags > Personal and View > Messages > Custom Views > Recent Mail), it does still show them as threaded. If not, you may be able to set that at View > Sort by > Threaded. However, all threads are initially expanded to show all the messages. View > Threads > Collapse All Threads (or "\" on the keyboard) collapses each thread to a single line. Does that work for your custom view?


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