On 25/09/19 15:00, Dirk Fieldhouse wrote:
I would report what actually happens in such a case except that I only ever see "Other Bookmarks" highlighted, and never the user-created bookmark folder.

And the reason is that the test bookmark URL redirects to an un-bookmarked URL (eg to its http:// equivalent), so the first click on the address-bar bookmark icon makes a bookmark in 'Other Bookmarks' that doesn't match the two prepared test bookmarks, and the second opens an 'Edit Bookmark' popup for the new bookmark. This should have been clear from the colour and tooltip of the icon, compared with the video prepared by Chris Ilias.

If the test bookmark doesn't redirect, I see the expected behaviour with both 2.49.4 and 2.49.5.

If there are several (n > 1) bookmarks with the same URL, the folder pull-down in the 'Edit Bookmark' popup focuses the first folder that contains one of the matching bookmarks and the 'Remove' button changes to read 'Remove n Bookmarks'.

So (as before) this isn't a very good way to deal with bookmark collections that may contain bookmarks with identical URLs.


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