On 10/10/19 20:03, EE wrote:
Edward Diener wrote:
Is it possible to open the Composer window window of SeaMonkey without starting SeaMonkey itself ?

Why would you expect to be able to open part of SeaMonkey without starting SeaMonkey?

From the user perspective, you can start SeaMonkey with -edit to open the Composer component alone, as noted earlier in this thread.

As you suggest, a SeaMonkey process is nonetheless started that will also host any other SeaMonkey apps that the user might launch: browser, mail, etc.

The problem with this is that the browser component is (a) much more exposed to web idiocy that will crash the entire SeaMonkey process (b) more likely to use a lot of memory with multiple windows and tabs that will exhaust either available RAM or 32-bit address space.

So if OP is going to do a lot of editing in Composer, he should make sure to minimise his browsing activity with SM; or try Blue Griffon, or as suggested here <https://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/html-wysiwyg-2018.html>, KompoZer, both of which are derived from the same codebase as SM Composer.


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