Sat, 12 Oct 2019 10:21 -0700 DoctorBill wrote:
I go to FoxNews every day to see what's happening in the World.

Quite often NOW, the pages load ungodly amounts of garbage and bounce
around, flip up and down - I cannot read anything w/o it flipping somewhere
else on the page or just NOT RESPONDING at all !

I am now running 2 laptops, the Lenovo R60e with Celeron CPU loaded
with Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS, and the recent recycled Acer Aspire 5050 with
AMD 64 Turion CPU loaded with Lubuntu 16.04.6 LTS. I use Seamonkey
v2.49.4 on the Lenovo and v2.49.5 on the Acer. Both computers quite
stable; though I stumble using the Acer as it only has a touch pad
for mouse control - and a weird pad it is - somehow it causes a
jumping effect I can prove and display to be the problem, not any
webpage. I like trackpoints for laptops.

I access Fox News dot com often, and see no issues like you describe.
Sometimes with a slow inet, the photos on Fox are slow to load, and as
they load the page will jump up or down or whatever. Once loaded all
is well. No trash, ads, pop-ups, or otherwise. No complaints.

I do suffer any webpage like that uses Google
maps - but it is an issue with Google maps crashing, on both computers
the same way. I see it start to load, then wipeout and an Opps! ...
notice on screen.

I avoid all Google as much as possible and wish I could delete all
Google from the about:config database.

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