alexyu wrote: wrote, on 01 Feb 20 16:19:

alexyu wrote:

NFN Smith wrote, on 31 jan 20 13:44:
For me, one minor annoyance is that there's no way of discarding graphical content that's embedded in a message body.

Frequently, you can get rid of such content using this option:

View / Message Body As / All Body Parts

That way, items which are not considered "attachments" can be still 'deleted' (or perhaps 'detached'), and then you can compact the message.

I'm intrigued, since I occasionally want to do similar (even more occasionally, in extreme cases, I've resorted to manually editing the mailbox file).  However, on SeaMonkey 2.49.5, the only options I see under View / Message Body As are Original HTML, Simple HTML and Plain Text.  Is "All Body Parts" a new addition in 2.53 or perhaps added by an extension?

It's been a part of SM for a long time, but it's not a default.
In 'about:config', just set: "mailnews.display.show_all_body_parts_menu" to 'true'.

All these years and I didn't know about that one. Thanks for that. I just happened to have need to do this again. Enabling that option and deleting the "attachment" for an inline image has exactly the same effect as what I'd done manually a few times - but much quicker, easier and less error-prone! I'd even been manually tweaking the MIME parts for the deleted images so that they show up as "Deleted: ..." in the attachments list like normal deleted attachments do.

To edit messages' headers, or even their full source, there is an extension:

"Header Tools Lite", by Paolo "Kaosmos"

That could be useful on the odd occasion. I don't often want to edit existing messages other than to delete large attachments - which take less space saved as separate files and avoids huge mailbox files.


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