David E. Ross wrote:
On 2/11/2020 12:35 PM, Tom Pamin wrote:
I would like some of my bookmarks, and passwords for bookmarks, to
appear and be printed in red. Any way to do this?

For bookmarks, have you considered adding comments instead of
color-coding?  A comment can be something simple such as #, $, %, *, A,
x, etc, to flag the bookmark.

To add a comment:

1.  On the SeaMonkey menu bar, select [Bookmarks > Manage Bookmarks].

2.  On the Bookmarks Manager window, select any single bookmark and then
select the More button near the bottomm-left of the right-hand pane.

3.  Now select any single bookmark that you wish to highlight.  In the
Description area, type a character.

NOTE:  The Description area appears only when a single bookmark is
selected.  Whatever you enter will appear below the bookmark.

Alternatively, you can append -- with leading spaces -- flagging
characters at the end of the names of bookmarks.  In this case, what you
enter will appear on the same line as the bookmark.

Whichever way you do this, the characters you enter will appear whenever
you export your bookmarks to an HTML file.  I export my bookmarks every
time I terminate SeaMonkey.  In my profile, I inserted the following
into file user.js:
        user_pref("browser.bookmarks.autoExportHTML", true);
        // automatically export bookmarks into an HTML file
The semi-colon (;) at the end of the first line is mandatory.  The
second line is merely a comment -- indicated by the double virgules (//)
at the beginning -- to remind me why I have this.

I do use the description area for passwords. It's a great way to keep track of passwords for each site. I also export my bookmarks to an html file upon closing SM. I would just like some in red to designate important ones. Copying them from html to Word seems to be one good way to do it.
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