Chuck wrote:
I have been using Seamonkey for years now mainly for email and
browsing. I know there a many things in Seamonkey I don't have a clue
about but since I never use them,

I have not needed to understand them. However one thing I would like
to understand (and don't) is "spoofing", or whatever the proper term

I just had to go to Firefox to do my taxes because Turbotax would not
 run in Seamonkey.

Is there a source which I  could access to learn to use this feature
in Seamonkey.

Remember I am a just  a basic user of Seamonkey

Thanks, Chuck

"spoofing" is indeed the term you want to use.

There's more than one way to go about this, and which you use depends on what you're doing, and what level of tinkering that you're comfortable with.

To start off, looking at your posted message, your copy of Seamonkey is currently reporting itself as:

> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0 SeaMonkey/2.49.5

It's a good bet that Intuit isn't really complaining about Seamonkey specifically, so much as they are about a browser identifying itself as Firefox 52. It's likely that you could get what you need if you are using the UA string for Seamonkey 2.53.1:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0 

You can spoof this from 2.49.5, but I would suggest that you probably want to upgrade to 2.53.1.

Although I don't think they're objecting to Seamonkey, if they are, you could simply spoof Firefox 60, without mentioning Seamonkey. If you're running 2.53.1, then the easiest way to get that is going to be to turn off the "Advertise Firefox Compatibility" setting, which would cause Seamonkey to show:

> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0

For that, go Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> HTTP Networking, and then un-tick the User Agent String for Firefox.

I'm betting that the combination of updating to 2.53.1 and that setting will be the easiest for you.

You can also do spoofing either by extension or by going to about:config to tweak your prefs.js file. With the extension route, the way to do that is to get PrefBar from although once it's installed, you have to make sure that the UserAgent control is shown, as well as to make sure you have added a setting to show one of the strings noted above. There's a number of strings already there, that are useful as examples, but they're all really old.

Personally, I do PrefBar, because it allows me to do spoofing changes on the fly, where I can show what I want, when I want, and then go back to showing the default, when spoofing is no longer needed.

The other approach is via about:config, and adding one or more entries there.

If you have an entry called general.useragent.override and set a UA string there (i.e., one of the ones noted above), then that permanently sets the UA for all activity (including what is included in outbound email). Because of the email angle, I generally discourage this one, because it makes your email look like it was sent by Firefox (which is not a mail client). Few will probably notice or care, but it does stand out as being unusual.

You can also do site-specific spoofing by extended versions of general.useragent.override, where you add the server and domain name you need. Thus, for you, you probably want and again, using one of the strings noted above.

Even though I generally prefer to do spoofing on the fly, there are a couple of sites that I visit regularly, where I do use site-specific general.useragent.override entries. One is with, where I show a straight Firefox UA, because for some reason, Google doesn't display quite correctly if it sees a Firefox string that includes Seamonkey, particularly in that the cursor location in Google's search bar doesn't display correctly. A minor annoyance, but nice to know that I can fix the display. I also currently spoof 2.53.1 for a couple of financial institutions. I just upgraded Seamonkey from 2.49.5 yesterday, and those sites have been complaining about unsupported browser, and by showing a 2.53 string with Firefox, spoofing makes those complaints go away. Now that I'm upgraded to 2.53, I don't need to spoof anymore, although eventually I'll remove those, especially when I eventually see newer versions of Seamonkey.

To re-iterate, I think the easiest approach for you is upgrading to 2.53, and then turning off advertising Firefox compatibility. If, for some reason, you don't want to upgrade, then the next easiest solution is using about:config to spoof just when you're visiting


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