On 2020-03-02, Larry S. wrote:

> I was suddenly denied access to Fox News. Checked my settings, and
> discovered that one preference expired today, and another one
> tomorrow. Permissions was blank. (No others expired for quite a
> while.)
> Now what? How do I get an updated preference for that particular site?
> Larry

On 2020-03-10, Larry S. wrote:

> Still get the message "You don't have permission to access Fox News on
> this server". Any thoughts on what to do now?
> I tried changing cookies to "Session Only", didn't work. I tried
> changing my UA string to read Firefox 72.0.1, didn't work.
> Any other thoughts?
> Larry

I can't reproduce this myself. But, from what I have found on the web so
far, this might be blacklisting by Akamai (which is used, among
others, by Fox News).

Akamai has a small javascript-driven text explaining this[1] and they
provide a tool to check the "reputation"[2]. You could try this tool to
see if this is indeed the problem. A couple results from other
sites[3,4] have some information as well.

[1] https://community.akamai.com/customers/s/article/Why-is-Akamai-blocking-me

[2] https://www.akamai.com/us/en/clientrep-lookup/ (requires javascript,
    might show a captcha and takes some time to load the results)

[3] https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/197753

[4] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15688362

Nuno Silva
support-seamonkey mailing list

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