EE wrote:
Starting yesterday evening, I suddenly got only an error message when I tried to play YouTube videos.  The message was something about the connection not working, and try again later.  I had the same thing with Pale Moon.  After blocking an external javascript called "tampering.js", the videos were fine again.  Has YouTube done something with its interface to try to block certain browsers?  I had no problem with Vivaldi, Slimjet, or Safari.

I just checked, and I'm not having any problems with YouTube. I'm running 2.53.1, and I have both NoScript and uBlock Origin installed. With NoScript, I do have to enable Google, Youtube, ytimg and googlevideo, but I don't have to enable And I notice that after I start running a video, I can disable again.

For Google proper, I have an about:config entry for set to

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0

where I'm not advertising that I'm using Seamonkey. That one is to fix an annoyance-grade display issue with Google's search page, where it won't locate the cursor in the correct place. Google apparently does that with all Firefox-derived UA strings that show the name of the true browser. I've seen people indicate strangeness with other Google sites, where it may be necessary to do similar tweaking of UA strings, but I haven't experienced that myself. I definitely don't need to do that for YouTube.

Normally, I would suggest clearing cache and cookies, but if you're also seeing that behavior in PaleMoon, it's possible that the source is elsewhere.


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