janflech...@sunstormstudios.com wrote:

    I made a website using Freeway Pro 7.1.4, it is just the way I want
it to look, but now I need to make some changes. Freeway Pro is for creating websites, but doesn't edit them very well, if at all, so I need another, simple editor to work on it. When I download the site back to my computer and open a page, using "Get HTML", it shows the content, but not the arrangements, positioning where things should be. This means that it would be easier to start over from scratch instead
of trying to get it to work.
  So, the question is, if I use Seamonkey to look at the page,will it do the same thing, or will it look like it does when viewed in a Browser? I understand that Seamonkey is a wysiwyg editor, but if it only shows the HTML as it did in Freeway Pro, then it won't be any better than starting from scratch. The original file is on a computer that died before I could copy it to this imac I'm using now. When I look at the mac pro that croaked, the hard drive in question doesn't always show up, and when it does, I can read the list of files, but when I click on one, I can't move it or make a copy, despite the alert window
that says the hard drive needs repair, but that you can still copy files.
  The website is a gallery of prints and paintings, and at present I am nearing the end of populating a shopping cart using paGo ecommerce in the CMS app Joomla. My intention is to  go back to the gallery and place links to the various product pages in the shopping cart in the "store" area. The store is made using a Morph template that is a full website with plenty of features I don't need. The Quix editor used in Joomla cannot edit the Freeway pro pages, so this is getting more and more complex for a mere mortal artist like myself who made the first site in Go live nearly twenty years ago in a week, now, with a hundred pieces of art to sell, and being responsive, I HAVE EATEN UP SEVERAL YEARS trying to comply to the requirements need to finish before I lose my wits, all by myself, with no guidance or money to spare while the internet evolves faster than I can complete this project.
   Any and all help will be greatly appreciated!
   Thanks,  Jan Flechsig


Seamonkey has a few components, but only two of them are relevant here.
- The Browser. It is basically Firefox ESR of a few months back. It's a bit more complicated than that but that is more detail than you need. - Composer. This is an html editor, pretty out of date and only show-stopper bugs are being fixed. It does *not* support css.

I had a look at your site and it makes heavy use of css, sorry but I don't think Seamonkey is what you are looking for. You can of course download it and test it but the killer limitation is that Composer does not know css.

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