Erik Rull wrote:
Dear Walt,

WaltS48 wrote:
Users can also select Message > Reply to Newsgroup from the Menu bar or the
Ctrl+R key combination.

Ctrl + R triggers a reply to the sender, not to the list. "Newsgroup" is not
part of the menu label, I only see "Reply to List", which has no shortcut!
Forward, Reply all and Reply do have shortcuts.

Did the "Reply to List" shortcut get lost? Or are we talking about different
versions? I use the 2.53.1. Or are some settings mixed up?

Best regards,


I'm using SM 2.53.1 and you are somewhat correct.

Ctrl+R opens a reply to an email message if that is what you have selected in the Thread pane and are reading in the Message pane.

Ctrl+R opens a reply to a newsgroup message if that is what you have selected in the Thread pane and are reading in the Message pane.

I don't do mailing lists and have no idea how that works.

It looks like you posted to the mailing list. Maybe I get "Reply to Newsgroup" because I setup the news server account in SeaMonkey and subscribed to the newsgroup.
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