On 5/25/2020 6:09 PM, Hawker wrote:
> Since updating to SM 2.53 I'm having "helper app" issues.
> The most annoying is that PDFs no longer open in the browser. Going to 
> the helper app, I set it to open in SM or always ask but it stays on 
> always ask. I seem to remember reading this this version was going to 
> break a bunch of legacy plug ins. Could this be that?
> Also for JPGs I have it set to Always Ask but it is opening in SM every 
> time no matter what helper apps is set to. What gives? I tried setting 
> it to save and it won't change.

Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x64
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101

Since 2016, I have been using the PDF Viewer extension in place of the
Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in.  I have version 2.2.255, installed 4-Feb-20.

I do not know if that version is compatible with SeaMonkey 2.53.  I do
know that several extensions that I use frequently are not compatible.
I have archived version 2.2.255.  Reply to this newsgroup thread if you
want a copy, and I will upload it to my Web site for you to download.

I have had one problem with this extension.  When I access my latest
bill from Southern California Edison via the Web, I cannot print it via
the extension.  It prints.  However, the amount due is close to the
right edge of the PDF file; and the cents amount is cut off.  The
extension allows me to download the PDF, and I successfully print it via
Adobe's Acrobat Reader.

The later version 2.3.200 is available from
<https://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/getting_started/#download>, but I do
not know if this is compatible with 2.49.5 or 2.53.

NOTE:  The functionality of the PDF Viewer extension is incorporated
into the latest "vanilla" versions of Firefox.

One last comment:  I stopped updating Adobe's Acrobat Reader with
version  I do not want to use Adobe's cloud system (or
anyone else's), and I really do not like the user interface of the
various DC versions of Acrobat Reader.

David E. Ross

President Trump removed Rick Bright from heading the
government's development of a vaccine against the
COVID-19 virus.  The reason was that Bright would not
endorse Trump's assertion that hydroxychloroquine might
cure COVID-19.  Is it possible that Trump was motivated
by his and his family's investments in a major producer
of hydroxychloroquine?
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