Gerry Hickman wrote:
> From a quick look:
> If you mean the three videos on the left, that underline when you hover
> over them. I don't think this is related to video playback, but more to
> do with JavaScript.
> When I click the link I see an error in the SeaMonkey "Error Console".
> Timestamp: 26/05/2020, 17:25:44 GMT+1
> Error: ReferenceError: event is not defined
> Source File:
> Line: 1

Good luck with that packed JavaScript. All I can say that it is probably
related to angular.  While doing angular development, now with the newer
version of angular, the project will not load in the development server
in SeaMonkey. I have to use Firefox or Chrome. Luckily the production
builds DO work from the production server, but I fear it is just a
matter of time.

I have MIXED feelings about angular. It does speed up development,
however produces what the Brits call a Dog's Breakfast of code. Being
old school, when I roll-my-own the code is much leaner and often less
chances of undesirable "side effects". But that is not the way the wind
is blowing...

Take care,

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