NFN Smith wrote:
meagain wrote:

Will SeaMonkey fans ('SM lovers' didn't sound right) really have to use a different User-Agent for each and every web sight?

- meagain

I use a user-agent override that claims to be Firefox 62.  That works well for me.

What is a user-agent override and how do I get (and use/install) it?

Unfortunately, for a growing number of web sites, Seamonkey is regarded as dead (or at least irrelevant). There's just not enough users for the sites to care about.  It doesn't help when Seamonkey 2.53 is still based on Firefox versions older than 57.0 -- there's a growing number of sites that are rejecting connections Firefox versions that are 56 and older. To that end, I know that the User Agent string for Seamonkey 2.53.2 is set to show Firefox 60.

Basically these are just numbers. What is important is features. Firefox 57 didn't just magically turn into a speed boat. Quantum was just marketing. Most of it was already in 56. Feature wise SeaMonkey is between 57 and 61 right now with a bunch of newer fixes for security and website compatibility in. More to come. But you just can't compete with an organization doing nothing but meddle with code the whole day. Fortunately affected websites which I care about are not affected right now. Youtube and goolge services is just dross for me. They are not free and only want my personal data or sell me things I don't want. And for the occasional youtube video SM still works fine.

As for Google, they have their own ideas of what they want to do with their content (especially YouTube), and you should assume that a lot of it is going to be optimized to run in Chrome.  I don't do a lot with YouTube, so I haven't seen problems.  On the other hand, I know that I've seen Frank-Rainier Grahl note that for stuff he does with YouTube, it's faster/easier to just use Chrome for that, rather than fighting with known limitations of Seamonkey.

See above. Nothing I care about.

Remember, there's nothing that requires you to use one browser exclusively for everything. Although I don't like Chrome, I can certainly see a valid approach in using Chrome for YouTube, if that's what it takes to get YouTube to do what I want.


In a similar way, because I do a lot of tweaking to my primary Seamonkey profile, with strict handling on cookies, and liberal use of uBlock Origin and NoScript, there's a number of sites (especially eCommerce) that I can't get to behave adequately without an undue amount of wrestling.  I generally assume that those kinds of problems are predominantly related to my profile, rather than more general problems with Seamonkey, and for that I have a Firefox profile that's mostly untweaked, where I will use that for a one-off session to get done what I need.

So far I don't have many problems here. Usually this can be fixed quite fast by temporary whiltelisting of sites in NoScript and uBlock.


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