On 6/11/2020 9:19 AM, Gerry Hickman wrote:
> Don Spam's Reckless Son wrote:
>> btw, when I saw "rt" I first thought of the Radio Times. Maybe not.
> RT = Radio Times
> Heh.

The domain www.rt.com is owned by ANO "TV-Novosti", a Russia-based news
service funded by the Russian government.

See <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RT_%28TV_network%29>.  One paragraph
there states (footnotes deleted here):
> RT has been described as a propaganda outlet for the Russian
> government and its foreign policy.  RT has also been accused of
> spreading disinformation by news reporters, including some former RT
> reporters.  The UK media regulator,  Ofcom, has repeatedly found RT
> to have breached its rules on impartiality and on one occasion found
> it had broadcast "materially misleading" content.  RT's
> editor-in-chief compared it with the Russian Army and Defence
> Ministry and talked about it "waging the information war against the
> entire Western world."  In September 2017, RT America was ordered to
> register as a "foreign agent" with the United States Department of
> Justice under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Under the act, RT
> is required to disclose financial information to the U.S.  

David E. Ross

Who would you trust to provide accurate information about
COVID-19?  Doctors who have studied viruses and treated
patients for years?  Or a TV actor who tweets "cofefe"?
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