On 6/14/2020 11:16 PM, Edmund Wong wrote:
Is it just me or was my original SeaMonkey 2.53.2 released post deleted?


Hmm, my "Re: My SeaMonkey loves to crash in my decade old, 64-bit W7 HPE SP1 PC with @ xul.dll | mozglue.dll | xul.dll | mozglue.dll | xul.dll | GetUpdateRect." thread post from 6/14/2020 2:00 PM PDT says:

"Article not found

The newsgroup server reports that it can't find the article.

    Newsgroup server responded: no such article in group
    Perhaps the article has expired?
Try searching for article: <muydnw2o4ffienvdnz2dnuu7-unnn...@mozilla.org> (115646)"

:) Picard Day!
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