Doors wrote:
On Sat, 18 Jul 2020 19:15:39 +0100, "Nuno Silva"
<nunojsilva@invalid.invalid> wrote:
Any chance this one said the following?:

"Access Denied

You don't have permission to access "[address]" on this server.

Reference #[number].[number].[number]"

That'd be blacklisting by Akamai:

That looks correct.
Confusing part is I could pull up the same page on FF no problem.
That was annoying.
Fail on SM, work on FF, same address, same minute.
Load root of newegg, works.
Go anywhere on site, fail.

Really started bugging me.

Do you block JavaScript, or use an extension which blocks it, on SeaMonkey? I had similar issues some time ago with a couple of sites I use, with NoScript in my case blocking scripts by default. I think they turned out to be using Akami. Allowing the domain to run scripts resolved the problem.

It was no good loading the site and then temporarily allowing scripting for it though, as they seemed to decide on loading the first page that I was going to be blocked for any further requests (even just reloading the home page I was already looking at lead to access denied). As I recall, I think I could enable scripting and then delete cookies set for the domain, so seems something was stored in cookies on that first load, which caused the problem for subsequent requests even if scripts were then enabled. But it was easier to just permanently allow JavaScript for those domains.


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