Slugracing wrote:
Nuno Silva wrote:
On 2020-08-19, Slugracing wrote:

Nuno Silva wrote:
On 2020-08-18, Slugracing wrote:
I too have come to a fork in the road and am now looking to move to
another browser. the stalling and memory usage has now gotten out of
control. since we move to the 2.53 series my ram usage has doubled,
and I don't have double the ram so it swaps constantly and because of
this its slow as a wet week.

None of the other browsers I have tried including Firefox use as much
ram for the same sites open.


Are you using the binaries from or is
it a distribution-compiled version?

Distro version (manjaro). I have now just downloaded the ones from
seamonkey and will try this for a few days and see how it goes

Thanks! Please let us know how it goes - it will be very helpful to know
whether this happens with both packages or not.

Ok I have been using 2.53.4b1 for a few days downloaded directly from SM website, I have been doing pretty much the same things I always do and have at this point in time an improvement in ram usage, down around 40%.

Ill keep using this for a few more days and report back again.


Ok I can safely say Im still having the same issues .. over a period of a few hours CPU and RAM go through the roof.

Pity I was hoping for a fix.

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