On 03/10/2020 18:46, Ant wrote:
I noticed if I undo (^Z or with the mouse), I get old past web URL addresses even in new empty tabs. Is this by design? Shouldn't it only remember what was used in this tab only?

I believe the fact that there is one bar for all tabs in a browser window is a hint. The same doesn't happen between windows.

Also, there is a valid use case. You accidentally type a URL in the bar for a tab that you didn't mean to overwrite, delete it, switch to an empty tab, Undo, and there's your URL ready to go.

Underlying this is the metaphor that each window holds a set of related tabs, so that the user brings up a single window for some task, information source, or whatever.

Less satisfactory is the interaction with the OS. While tabbing can hide what would otherwise be a group of browser windows from task switchers and task bars, it breaks the Alt-Tab function for switching between the most recent GUI contexts. Here, currently, Firefox wins over SeaMonkey by allowing a tab to be promoted to a window (drag the tab out of the window) and then re-tabbed (drag the promoted tab back to the original); in the current SM, dragging a tab only works into another tab bar, and then it just replicates the dragged tab.


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