David H. Durgee wrote on 04-10-20 15:57:
Ray_Net wrote:
Stephen Katz wrote on 04-10-20 00:21:
On Saturday, October 3, 2020 at 12:53:17 PM UTC-7, Ant wrote:
On 10/3/2020 11:38 AM, Stephen Katz wrote:
Youtube not a big issue. It's mostly the sites with ads. When it
freezes in the lower left says waiting for so-n-so. Why doesn't this
happen to Chrome? The STOP button doesn't work either. And you can't
close the window. Just the damn hourglass...
Is your SM better if you use an ad blocker with uBlock Origin? It's not
perfect, but it helps. Lots of web sites don't care for older browsers
like SeaMonkey that use older Gecko web browser engine (Firefox v57). If
you try the new Firefox v81.0.1, lots of web sites work fine even with
ads (not recommended IMO). :(
Note: A fixed width font (Courier, Monospace, etc.) is required to see
this signature correctly.
Go Los Angeles _..n-"""/""--.._
(L.A.) Lakers! .n' _.-\-""("""--._`-.
Cool Miami ' .\' \ `. ``";.
Heat! ___/_-" | \ `. `.
===/// , ,-. .- .-; , , ,- ,L , ,_ ,-
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___///_____"/ | \ /`;=__.-'
\ \ \ /
ASCII art by `. \ \ ,'
-bodom- `. \ \ ,'
Remove ANT `-._ \ \ _.-'
to e-mail if needed. `--\......--'
If I am reading you all right Seamonkey has had it's day.  I am loathe
to change as it has been my friend for over 20-years.  My biggest
thing is the email, I am used to it and love it.  It pops right over
from Gmail.  Also being able to send a link.  Chrome doesn't do that.
I might as well for now run two browsers.  Sad...
"is the email, I am used to it and love it."
Why not using thunderbird ?
Have you seen the latest Thunderbird?  Ugh. I prefer SeaMonkey over both
Thunderbird and FireFox.  If someone could develop a SeaMonkey theme for
them perhaps I could tolerate them, but as is now I use FireFox only
when I absolutely must.

Thunderbird is more simple .. I appreciate it.
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