-------- Original Message --------
I happen to be running Seamonkey 2.53.2, but I'm realizing that I've been seeing this for some time -- certainly in various releases of 2.49, and possibly further back than that.

I make periodic visits to my Collected Addresses address book, and generally move the addresses I want to keep permanently into other address books, and discard most of the rest.

Usually, I don't pay attention to handling until much later when I repeat the exercise (sometimes months apart), but more than once, I've noticed addresses in Collected Addresses with a deja vu feeling of "I thought I had moved or deleted that address a long time ago".

What's happening is that once I move or delete addresses, and Seamonkey restarts, a re-visit to Collected Addresses shows those addresses still there, although for moved addresses, they are being correctly copied to other folders.

As far as I can tell, I'm only seeing this on the Collected Addresses folder, although I don't frequently delete addresses from other folders.

If I was seeing this kind of effect on a mail folder, I would normally re-index the folder, but I'm not aware of a similar capacity for doing that with an address book.

Any idea of how to get around this problem?


I have the same question.  Also, How can I remove duplicate addresses?

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