On 2020-10-26, Rainer Bielefeld wrote:

> Hi,
> Steps how to reproduce with unzipped   unofficial (by wg9s) De
> SeaMonkey 2.53.6 beta 1 pre Mozilla/5.0  (NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:60.0)
> Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0 Build 20201012210006 (Newly created User
> Profile, Default Classic Theme) on German WIN7 64bit:
> 1. Log in to your nebenan.de account
> 2. visit your profile with ˋclick on your photo → Your Profildˊ
>    » Expected: Profile can be edited
>      Actual: Profile contents appears, but vanishes after few seconds
>              and Error Message "Ooops, hier ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
>              Wir sind informiert und werden uns darum kümmern.
>              Neuladen?"
>              appears
> Additional Info: SM Error console shows an Error "Zeitstempel:
> 26.10.2020, 12:05:20
> Fehler: Content Security Policy: Die Einstellungen der Seite haben das
> Laden einer Ressource auf
> blob:https://nebenan.de/bfc111fb-76f5-4834-97b9-d078e378d6fb blockiert
> ("img-src https://nebenan.de data: https://*
> https://www.google-analytics.com";)." which does not appear on other
> pages. I can't decide whether this is related to my problem.
> nebenan.de profile can be edited with MS EDGE and FF without
> problems. Any Ideas?
> CU
> Rainer

It looks like this (or something similar) can be reproduced with other
pages on this site, see for example


This will first start loading a map and then show that "Ooops" message
in 2.53; appears to load correctly (or at least differently) in 2.57.

Nuno Silva
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