On 10/27/2020 5:30 AM, Daniel wrote:
> I've received a letter from one of my Superannuation companies telling 
> me they have lost me postal address (so how were they able to send me a 
> letter?? The idiots!!) so I went to their website but was unable to log 
> in because they didn't accept my SM 2.49.5, so I've set up a User Agent 
> override, I hope, telling them I'm using FF/78. but that failed as well, 
> so I'm asking is
> general.useragent.complesOverride.ioof.com.au,userset,string,Firefox/78.0
> correctly formatted?? If the company is IOOF, might capitalising the 
> ioof help/be necessary??
> Any suggestions, please!

1.  Locate your profile.  On the menu bar, select [Help >
Troubleshooting Information].  Under Application Basics, select the Open
Folder button to the right of Profile Folder.

2.  In the profile, locate the file user.js.  If it does not exist,
create it with Wordpad or Notepad but NOT Word.

3.  Using Wordpad or Notepad in user.js, create the following entry all
on a single line:
        user_pref("general.useragent.override.ioof.com.au", "Mozilla/5.0
                (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:79.0) Gecko/20100101
Note that the semi-colon (;) at the end is required.  If the entry wraps
when you enter it, that is okay; but do not manuall break the entry by
using the Enter or Return key on your keyboard.  Save user.js.

4.  The change to user.js becomes effective only when SeaMonkey is
initialized.  Terminate all instances of SeaMonkey.  Relaunch SeaMonkey.

The alternative is to request about:config and then create the preference
and give it the value
        Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:79.0)
                Gecko/20100101 Firefox/79.0
again, all on a single line.

I prefer using user.js because it provides me with a record of the
changes I have made.  You can add a comment there if it begins with two
virgules (//) to remind you of why you did this.  You cannot add
comments at about:config or in prefs.js.

David E. Ross
support-seamonkey mailing list

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