Ray_Net a écrit :
WaltS48 wrote on 30-11-20 02:34:
On 11/25/20 12:02 PM, Ray_Net wrote:

Going to: https://www.belfius.be/retail/fr/banque-par-vous-meme/internet-mobile/index.aspx

shows me a header page with a "Se connecter" red-button permitting me to be connected to my bank.

This is true with Chrome and Firefox.

With SM the "header page with that login button" is simply missing.

Why are you using what appears to be a page for cell phone?


The bank had changed their site making SM unusuable.
so under Chrome the bank say: Go to: https://www.belfius.be/
this will not permit me to connect - so they say click on any option, I choiced "mobile" and then I go to: https://www.belfius.be/retail/fr/banque-par-vous-meme/internet-mobile/index.aspx
where I can see the connection red button

BUT they have, just now, corrected their site and now going(with Chrome) to https://www.belfius.be/ redirect me immediately to https://www.belfius.be/retail/fr/index.aspx where I can see the button.
without passing by another step.

So now with SM:
https://www.belfius.be/ after accepting cookies I am redirected to
where  I can click on retail
This action bring me to https://www.belfius.be/retail/fr/index.aspx where I did not see the button.
Therefore I still be unable to connect.
I have a button "Demander"
I clic here, then i get the button "Deveni client" and an other one "Se connecter" "Se connecter" brings me to a login popup proposing several ways to connect (itsme, with and without usb device...) Seamokey 2.53.1 FR win 10 64 bt with ublock origin active; all seem to work for me (but have no account so cna not try further)

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